18 de nov. de 2009

Pug com os desenvolvedores da blizz no PTR

Se você tiver tempo e disposição para encarar, esteja online no PTR hoje 18/11 as 04:00pm PST.
Segundo blue post, a equipe da blizz estará testando com jogadores o sistema de looking for group cross-realms. Membros da equipe de desenvolvimento e designers estarão nos canais de lfg jogando na horda e na aliança testando as instancias heroicas.

Boa diversão, depois nos conte como foi.

Since our first two tests went so well, we’d like to invite everyone out again for round 3! Come join the fun on the PTR and instead of getting the PUG blues, you could end up grouped with a blue. Members of the Development Team (including the encounter designers themselves), the QA team, and the Community Team will be on the PTR to test out the new dungeon system and want you to come join in the fun.

To have a chance to group up with one of us, just queue up for a random heroic through the Dungeon tool. We will be playing both Alliance and Horde and since the Dungeon tool allows players to group cross-server, it doesn’t matter which of the two PTR realms you join from.

Join us Wednesday 11/18/09 at 4:00pm PST.


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